Organise & Declutter Concierge


“We work to have leisure on which happiness depends” – Aristotle

Imagine if you could have your own Declutter Concierge that could read your mind. No more staying up at late to get things done or using PTO days. The beauty of your own Declutter Concierge is that requests are handled with care and attention to detail that you would provide yourself. Allowing you to achieve freedom and equilibrium in your personal and professional life. Reston Concierge offers a diversity of services from the sublime to the exotic.

After working all week long, attending deadlines and meetings, the last thing on your mind is wasting your weekend organizing your closets, paperwork, basement, kitchen or storage room.

Work-Life balance does not exist! Rather strive for Work-Life integration, we are here to help create the perfect schedule so that you do not feel guilty when it’s time to relax. Allow us to manage your household, so that you can manage both your personal and professional life.

Our strategy is simple.  We use our insights and implement a system that suits your lifestyle and personality. We help you develop new habits so that you can systematically find a logical place for everything.

We offer quick, confidential, non judgmental turnaround.

Essentially there are two major types of clutter:

  • MUNDANE CLUTTER – the junk mail, old magazines, stuff you don’t care about.
  • MEMORY CLUTTER  – sentimental that remind us of people and places, other people’s stuff.


  • We take everything out
  • Discard damaged and old
  • Maximize space, bring order, restore balance
  • Organize based on seasons,color and style
  • Create closet of your dreams


  • Organize pantries, discard expired and old
  • Sort and organize drawers and cabinets
  • Ensure that cooking and baking is easier
  • Organize pantries, you will never run out of anything
  • Maximise vertical spaces


  • Create zones in the garage
  • Organize tools and work bench
  • Organize storage, bikes, hobbies
  • Implement a system that works
  • Organize outdoor garden equipment
  • Sort seasonal furniture and supplies


  • Paper Management – paper free office
  • Organize receipts, bills, warranties, medical records and important documents
  • Electronic Filing system – scanning and sorting
  • Setting up logical flying system
  • Photographs – digital transfer to electronic storage

Work and life flow better when there is system and you are clutter free. Being organized will boost your energy, reduce stress and depression. One phone call will change more that you can imagine.

We are a click or call away from being completely clutter free.

Allow us to manage your household or your office, so that you can manage your personal and professional life.

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